Internet Pledge for Middle School Students
The Pledge Below is a link to a pledge that outlines the internet miranda rights. This student pledge was created for each student to agree that they understand that… “In this digital age, anything you post can and will be used against you in the court of life.” – Robert Hackenson Jr. Internet Pledge […]
Your Online Reputation – Video (MS)
Sexting & Inappropriate Posting – Video (MS)
Online Safety Concerns – Video (MS)
Targets and Bystanders – Video (MS)
Cyber Bullying & Hateful Posting – Video (MS)
Communication & Miscommunication – Video (MS)
After Detox Challenge is Complete – Class Discussion
Class Discussion Upon the last day of the scheduled detox challenge, let’s reflect on your experience. 1. Were you able to not use technology for the entire period? 2. What were your initial feelings going into the detox? 3. How did you feel when you were going through the detox? 4. How do you feel […]
TBML Challenge – Awareness Activity (MS)
Take Back My Life Challenge This challenge can be done as an individual, class wide, or school wide as part of an awareness initiative! It’s time to take back your life and escape from the traps that were set for you by the giant social media and gaming companies. Here is your challenge (this is […]