Poker Game of Life – Activities
Teacher Instructions: Reasoning: There are going to be challenges in life and they create the opportunity for us to make poor decisions. These decisions can then derail us from our path. It’s not easy, but it’s in these moments that we have to think about what we want for ourselves. We have to accept the […]
Mindfulness and Positive Psychology – Activities
Teacher Instructions: Below are several activities that can teach mindfulness, coping strategies, and positive psychology techniques. Choose one or multiple to do in class and/or have your students do them at home. Reasoning: You know that there are plenty of times you will be stressed and it doesn’t feel good when that stress is overwhelming. […]
Fear of Failure – Assignment
Teacher Instructions: Reasoning: One of the biggest fears and biggest stressors for high school students is the fear of failure. That fear can lead to lack of motivation, laziness, anxiety, depression, etc. As a result of this fear and the other feelings that result from the fear, some students will turn to substance use and […]
Decision-making Influences – Class Activities/Assignment Options
Teacher Instructions: Reasoning: During the first video Robert discussed how we use knowledge to make decisions, and this knowledge is the combination of your formal education, personal experiences, and outside influences. But, how often to we critically think about these messages we receive? How can it impact our judgement? Teens are exposed to messages (from […]