Self-Awareness & Coping Skills (MS)
Some Coping Techniques to Use When Stressed, Angry, or Sad Take a time out – Put down your phone and walk away. Look around the room and describe what you see in your head. (The rationale behind this is that by looking around the room and describing it, you will shift your thinking away from […]
Emotional Posting – Class Discussion (MS)
Let’s Discuss Emotional Posting… NOTE: Only teachers can see the answers. Students ONLY see the questions. Q: Class survey… A: Show of hands… Has anyone here misinterpreted a text? Has anyone here sent a text that was misinterpreted? Q: What can happen when you apply your own interpretation and emotions to a post or text […]
Helpful Self-Awareness & Coping Skills
Coping Techniques What are some coping techniques to use when you are angry, stressed or sad instead of messaging/posting onto social media? Take a time out – Put down your phone and walk away. Look around the room and describe what you see in your head. (The rationale behind this is that by looking around the […]
What Can We Do? – Class Discussion
Moving Forward Q: How can we improve our conversation skills? A: By having conversations. By being aware that we need to work on these skills and put our phone down. By setting limits on your phone use and forcing yourself to engage in conversation. Being a good conversationalist takes practice. Q: What can we do […]
Misinterpretation – Class Activity
Miscommunication Class Activity Teacher Instructions: **Note: This section is only visible to teachers.** Setup First – Print out the 6 “Misinterpretation cards” Misinterpretation Card 1 Misinterpretation Card 2 Misinterpretation Card 3 Misinterpretation Card 4 Misinterpretation Card 5 Misinterpretation Card 6 Second – Write down the following on the board: “k” “Ok” “OK” “Hold on” “I […]