“Ding” Bullying Skits – Class Activity (MS)

Group Activity This class activity has students create skits that show the different types of bullying and negative reactions to it. Then students look for alternatives that could have led to a more positive result, and students are able to re-act out the skit with the alternatives. Lessons to be learned through this activity: Self […]

Importance of the Online Bystander – Class Discussion (MS)

Let’s Discuss the Power of the Bystander… Note: Only teachers can view the answers.  Students can ONLY see the questions.  Q:  Why is the bystander so powerful?  A:  Because they can… Tell someone Take away the bully’s power by: Speak up confront the cyberbullying Get others to speak up and confront the person cyberbullying Not […]

Posting Positive Challenge – Class Activity (MS)

A Simple & Positive Experience We can all agree that there is enough negative and hateful posting online.  Internet trolls are entertained by posting mean and insulting thing about others.  You all have the opportunity to be the good. Now I’m not asking you to change the internet, but you can make a difference within […]

Cyber Bullying Dangers – Class Discussion (MS)

Before You Post Think About… Everyone has their personal truth.  You don’t know the personal challenges they might be facing. Maybe others are doing mean things to them and now you would be adding to this. You may think it’s not a big deal,  but to someone else it could be. Have you ever been […]