Billboard Rule – Class Activity (MS)

You Are What You Post Everything you post or send digitally is a representation of who you are.  Every post on tiktok, or instagram, every snap, every text.  It’s all a representation of you.  Even if you think it won’t get back to you, or is private, or will self delete.  Remember everything is a […]

Your Online Reputation – Class Activity (MS)

Online Reputation Activity As was said in the video, what you post is a direct representation of who you are.  You will be judge based on what you post.  The downside is that it is easy to hurt your reputation, and once you hurt it,  it’s much hard to build it back up. Teacher Instructions […]

Different Perspectives of What You Post – Class Discussion (MS)

Perspective Is Important What you post can sometimes be open for interpretation.  Ever find something really funny with your friends, but when you tried to tell someone else about it, they didn’t find it funny at all?  Remember to stop and try to see things from all angles before you post them. Teacher Instruction (Note: […]

Internet Pledge

The Pledge Below is a link to a pledge that outlines the internet miranda rights.  This student pledge was created for each student to agree that they understand that… “In this digital age, anything you post can and will be used against you in the court of life.” – Robert Hackenson Jr.    Internet Pledge […]

Billboard Rule – Class Activity

You Are What You Post Everything you post or send digitally is a representation of who you are.  Every post on tiktok, or instagram, every snap, every text.  It’s all a representation of you.  Even if you think it won’t get back to you, or is private, or will self delete.  Remember everything is a […]

Your Online Reputation

Who is Looking at Your Profile? Colleges Employers / Future Employers Coaches Family/Friends Predators   Colleges Are Looking According to a 2016 Kaplan Test Prep survey, 40% of college admissions officers use social media profiles to learn more about admissions candidates.  Do you think that number is going to keep going up?  35% of these […]

Sexting Cases – Assignment / Activity

Group Activity Teacher Instructions: Split the class into 6 groups and assign each group to read and discuss one of the cases below.  Then each group will take turns standing in front of class and presenting the following: A summary of what happened The take away lessons you can learn from it from both the […]

What Can Happen? – Class Discussion

Potential Consequences of Sexting Legal consequences – depending on your state, the district attorney, the circumstances, and the judge), there can be severe legal consequences. Reputation & harassment – these things have the potential to go viral around the school and around the community and overnight reputations can be destroyed, hateful harassment can occur 24/7 […]

Online Predators – Class Discussion / Assignment

2 Teens Saved from Human Trafficking Class Discussion / Assignment Read the article above and have a class discussion or short essay that answers the following questions: – Where did these girls meet the predator? – How do you think the predator convinced the girls to go to New York?   – Why do you […]

First They Came – Class Discussion / Writing Assignment

The Importance of Taking Action Below is a poem began to circulate in 1950 after WWII that highlights why it is so important for bystanders to stand up for others even though it’s not easy.  Read the poem and either have a class discussion or writing assignment afterwards.   First They Came by: German Lutheran […]